Saturday, July 11, 2009

6TEEN and TDA vote who you like the best

The poll for today is to vote wich 6TEEN and TDA charecter you like best. I am betting myself That most of you will vote Gwen from TDA. DONT VOTE FOR PEOPLE THAT WERE IN TDI BUT NOT TDA. Vote one person from 6TEEN, and one from TDA.

TDA aftermath sneak peak for you!

On TDA aftermath, Briggete and Geoff will host it. Trent will gueststar and sing a song about Gwen breaking up with him, and Then everybody cries, and that's all I saw. (Sorry it was so short.)

Trent voted off last night!

Trent was totally like toturing Gwen or something, so she broke up with him, and Justin heard about Trent throwing challenges for Gwen's team, and they got really mad at Gwen, and, to prove she wasn't in on it, She told them to vote Trent off! Sianara, Trent! Trent wanted to say good-bye to Gwen, and they showed Gwen the vidio of it, so she would feel bad.